Behind the label: aji amarillo everything sauce
Our Aji Amarillo Everything Sauce is bringing Peruvian flavors to a plate near you! This sauce isn’t only giving your Peruvian flavors, but it is also giving Peruvian culture by way of the signature Aji Amarillo pepper courtesy of package illustrator Katt Aguirre.

- What was your main source of inspiration for this project? Understanding that the main ingredient for many representative peruvian dishes is aji amarillo. Also I used the book ‘Ajies del Peru’ as a guide, which tells the aji’s history from pre-hispanic cultures to nowadays.
- What is your favorite dish? My favorite dish is Papa a la huancaina because its origin is in my birthplace, Huancayo - Junin.
- What is your top favorite account to follow on IG at the moment? I have been looking for records of peruvian people and landscapes. The photographs of @ninoskamontufar bring me back to my family memories, parties in the highlands of Peru.
- If you were a spice/condiment, which one would you be and why? Definitely huacatay because it's the main ingredient for my second favorite sauce used in the famous dish ‘ocopa’ and it also smells delicious.